

Mental Health Crisis In India

Mental Health Crisis In India

Mental health is an important issue worldwide, but it is especially critical in India. The mental health crisis in India is a significant problem. Millions of people in India do not have access to mental health services, and those who do often have to wait a long time for an appointment. The shortage of mental health professionals means that many people with mental health problems do not get the help they need. Not getting timely assistance has created a situation that affects a large section of our population. Many people are unaware of mental health issues due to the lack of education and information about mental health. 

In our country, people do not feel confident asking for assistance regarding their mental health. Some may also feel it is a sign of weakness. As a result, many people suffering from various mental disorders are left untreated, leading to dangerous consequences. Nobody wants to talk about the deteriorating mental health conditions in India because it would solidify that we have a problem and have not taken any steps to resolve it. The people most affected by all this denial about not having a mental health crisis in our country are those suffering from mental health disorders and do not have access to any treatments. 

In this article, we will explore the state of mental health in India and discuss some of the challenges that Indian citizens face regarding mental health care.


Mental Health Scenario In India: An Overview

Firstly you need to understand what mental health means. Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realizes their potential, can cope with the everyday stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can contribute to their community.

In India and many other countries, mental health is still a taboo topic. People are often ashamed to admit that they are struggling with their mental health, which means that many go undiagnosed and untreated. This is a massive problem because it means people suffer in silence. The main reason behind the reluctance to accept that they are suffering is, "what are people going to think about me?” This is why it is essential that we talk about mental health and educate more and more people that it is not something to be ashamed of. 

Mental health is not something to keep secret. It deserves your undivided attention. You would never think to leave a physical ailment untreated; that is what you need to understand, mental health disorders are equally as important and dangerous as any other disease, and they require treatments too. It is essential to understand that many people in India need help and do not know how to ask for it, and when they do get the courage to ask, they are ridiculed and laughed at for something entirely normal. This is where the main issue lies and what needs to be changed, our attitude towards mental health as a society. 


The State of Mental Health in India

It is no secret that India is amidst a mental health crisis. A report by Lancet Commission on Mental Health and Sustainable Development stated that India is home to more than 50 per cent of the world's mentally ill population. In rural areas, there are just three psychiatrists for every million people; in urban areas, the ratio is only marginally better. But even more alarming is that most of these people do not have access to the treatment they need.

The lack of access to mental health services has resulted in several tragedies. For example, in 2014, a man in Delhi burned his wife alive because she suffered from depression. And in 2016, a woman in Mumbai jumped off a building after being told by her family that she had schizophrenia and needed treatment. Many more incidents like these happen in India almost daily, and all of this could have been prevented if people had access to mental health services and treatment. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Something needs to be done about this crisis, and we need to start by talking about it openly and honestly. The more you talk about mental health, the less of a taboo topic it becomes; we need to normalize people talking about it and getting the proper treatment. The stigma surrounding mental health is something that needs to be broken down.


What Is The Importance Of A Good Mental Health?

Imagine that you are living in a country where talking about mental health is still taboo—A country where people with mental health issues are often questioned. This is the reality for many people in India, where good mental health is not taken seriously. It is often seen as a luxury only for the wealthy and privileged. People who do not have these privileges are frequently asked to shake it off, which is the worst advice you can give someone suffering from a mental health issue.

The truth is, though, that good mental health is something that we all need. It allows you to cope with the stresses of life, connect with other people, and feel happy and fulfilled. When it comes to mental health, India is in crisis. But we can all do our part to change that. We need to start talking about mental health, and we need to start treating it with the respect it deserves.


Understanding India's Mental Health Crisis

Mental health is a crisis in India. One in five people in India have some mental disorder, but only about one-third receive treatment. This is a problem because mental illnesses can lead to suicide, violence, and crime. Suicide is the leading cause of death among young people in India.

The good news is that there is help available. Many good mental health hospitals in India can provide treatment for people with mental disorders. Online Docs is a telepsychiatry platform connecting patients in India with Doctors in US. But the problem is that most people do not know about these services or do not have access to them. That needs to be changed, which can only happen when there is more dialogue about mental health.


What Are The Causes Of The Mental Health Crisis In India?

So, what is causing the mental health crisis in India? There are a lot of factors at play, but here are some of the most common ones:

Poverty: One of the main reasons for mental health problems is poverty. People struggling to make ends meet are more likely to experience stress, anxiety, and depression. Therapy is costly in India, and it is impossible for people living in poverty to afford it.

Lack of Education: Another reason is the lack of education about mental health. Many people in India do not even know what mental health is; let alone how to deal with it. How can you expect them to resolve these issues if they do not see the problem? There needs to be more education about mental health and more focus on its importance if we want to grow as a society.

Stigma: There are also a lot of stigmas attached to mental health problems in India. People are often ashamed to admit they are struggling and feel like they have to deal with it independently. It is up to us to make an effort to break these stigmas and focus on building a safe and comfortable environment for them to ask for help and get the treatment they need.

Lack of Resources: Finally, one of the main reasons for the mental health crisis in India is the lack of resources. There is a shortage of psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists, and many people cannot afford to pay for treatment.


The Consequences Of The Mental Health Crisis

Right now, India's mental health crisis has some severe consequences. Thousands of people die yearly because they do not have access to the proper care, and many live in poverty because they cannot work efficiently and cannot keep up with their competition.

The lack of mental health support is also taking a toll on families. Parents struggle to care for their children, who often deal with depression and anxiety. And spouses are often left to cope with the mental health problems of their loved ones on their own. At Online Docs, your issues with depression and anxiety are treated with a combination of medication and therapy. The brilliant and experienced team of psychiatrists and therapists at Online Docs is committed to creating a safe space for people who want to get better. 



As you can see, mental health is a serious issue in India that deserves more attention. Unfortunately, many people in India do not believe that good mental health is necessary or possible. But it is possible. And it is essential.

If you want to help improve mental health in India, consider donating to or volunteering with an organization that provides mental health services in India. Or spread the word about the importance of good mental health. Let your friends and family know that it is okay to talk about mental health and that there is no shame in seeking help. You can lend an ear to someone suffering, which will make a huge difference in his or her life. Society must show compassion and listen before passing on crude judgments and stereotypes. Together, we can improve mental health in India and make life a little easier for everyone who struggles with mental illness.


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