

Foods to Avoid When Suffering from Bi-Polar Depression

Foods to Avoid When Suffering from Bi-Polar Depression


Bi-polar depression is a serious mental health condition that can have a devastating effect on your life. It's important to take care of yourself and avoid foods that may trigger disorder symptoms. The following foods may worsen depression:

Foods with trans fats and saturated fat

Foods with saturated fat and trans fats:

Red meat, butter, and cheese are all high in saturated fat. Saturated fat can increase your LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, increasing your heart disease risk. Trans fats are found in processed foods like baked goods or fried foods. Research suggests that consuming trans fats may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease.

Heart Disease Risk Factors: Eating too much-saturated fat is one cause of heart disease. However, there’s evidence to suggest that eating too much-unsaturated vegetable oils may also increase your risk of atherosclerosis – hardening deposits on artery walls known as atherosclerosis or "hardening" arteries due to aging or genetics.

Processed foods with additives

If you're suffering from bipolar depression, processed foods are a no-no. They're full of artificial ingredients and preservatives that can cause inflammation in your body and make it harder for you to recover from your symptoms.

Avoid processed foods at all costs! Processed foods include any food that has been altered through the use of additives, such as MSG (monosodium glutamate), BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole), BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene), or TBHQ (tertiary butylhydroquinone). In addition to these common additives found in many processed foods such as ice cream and cheeses, many other types of preservatives may affect how depression affects your body.


Sugar is a source of quick energy. It can cause mood swings, fatigue, and anxiety. Sugar also causes insomnia which may result in depression and other mental health issues like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia.


Caffeine is a stimulant that can cause anxiety, nervousness, and irritability. It can also lead to insomnia, restlessness, and headaches. It's not just the caffeine that causes these symptoms—the crash that follows after you drink your coffee or energy drink of choice.

The effects of caffeine on your body are cumulative; if you regularly consume too much caffeine (more than 200 mg per day), your body will begin to depend on it for energy instead of making its own from food sources like carbohydrates or fat calories. When this happens over time, it becomes very difficult for you to feel satisfied after eating because all those empty calories don't make themselves known until later in the day. At this point, a night-time snack becomes necessary if we're going out for dinner or drinks with friends, etc.!


Salt is a preservative, so it can be found in many processed foods. Salt can also cause the body to retain water, which could lead to bloating and other stomach issues.

It's important to note that while salt is added intentionally as a preservative and flavor enhancer, some people may have an adverse reaction from consuming too much sodium and not enough potassium (the mineral found naturally in food). If you're having trouble losing weight or if your blood pressure seems higher than normal—especially if you've been diagnosed with bipolar depression—it's a good idea for you to consult with your doctor about lowering your intake of salt.


Alcohol is a depressant and can lead to blackouts, making it harder to get out of bed in the morning.

It's also not good for your body. Alcohol leads to problems with liver function, cirrhosis, and cancer of the mouth (nose), throat, voice box, and stomach. In addition to these health issues that come with heavy drinking over time, alcohol use may increase your risk for heart disease or stroke as well as diabetes mellitus type 2 in men who drink more than four drinks per day or women who drink more than two drinks per day


Caffeine can cause anxiety and irritability. It also causes insomnia, a common problem for people with bipolar disorder.

Caffeine can cause a racing heart, restlessness, headaches, and loss of appetite—all of which are symptoms you may experience if you're suffering from bipolar depression.


You may have heard that chocolate is good for you. After all, it's a treat! But did you know that if you're suffering from bipolar depression and are also a frequent chocolate lover, this could be detrimental to your health?

Chocolate contains large amounts of caffeine and sugar. These ingredients can greatly increase blood pressure and heart rate in people with bipolar disorder or at risk of developing it. They also decrease insulin sensitivity which can lead to high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). This can cause mood swings as well as other symptoms such as fatigue or lack of energy due to increased energy requirements when working out so much more often than usual

High-Sugar Foods

Sugar is a carbohydrate, but it's not the same as complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are found in grains, legumes, and starchy vegetables like potatoes.

Sugar can cause blood sugar levels to spike and crash. This makes you feel hungry. It also leads to weight gain because your body cannot store

 excess calories from refined sugars as fat or protein—they're immediately sent straight through your bloodstream!

Trans Fats

Trans fats are found in margarine, shortening, and some vegetable oils. They also replace saturated fats in processed foods like cookies, crackers, and pies.

Trans fats increase the risk of heart disease by raising bad cholesterol levels. They also increase your risk of developing artery-clogging plaque on your arteries (atherosclerosis). This can lead to a heart attack or stroke—life-threatening conditions!

Do not consume foods that are harmful to your mental health

  • Avoid foods that are high in sugar and trans fats
  • Avoid foods that are high in saturated fat
  • Avoid foods that are high in salt
  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco products

Maintaining a healthy diet can help relieve symptoms of the disorder

Maintaining a healthy diet can help relieve symptoms of the disorder. Eating enough food and getting enough sleep are also important, but it's even more important to avoid foods that contain high levels of sodium and sugar. Avoiding these foods will help with the symptoms you're experiencing, such as fatigue and irritability.

You may not be able to maintain an ideal diet while suffering from bipolar depression because your condition makes it difficult for you to eat normally or make healthy choices at restaurants or on vacation. If this sounds like something you're currently going through, some ways eating healthy while traveling can still be possible! For example:

  • Eat before leaving home—If possible, plan by prepping some snacks so that when hunger strikes throughout the day (or night), there won't be any temptation to eat something bad because nothing else is ready yet.
  • Bring along some light snacks—A good idea would be to bring along some nuts or dried fruit like apricots instead of chocolate bars.
  • Stay hydrated throughout each day—Drinking lots of water will keep up with how much fluid needs to be lost due either sweat loss due to heat exposure during exercise sports activities like jogging outdoors in summertime temperatures above 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 Celsius).


If you are suffering from bipolar depression, it is important to remember that there are many things you can do to manage the symptoms. A healthy diet and exercise are key for relieving symptoms and supporting a healthy lifestyle in general. If these steps aren’t enough, talk with expert psychiatrists at Online Docs and book your session today.


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